2-4 players | 2 packs | 5 min
You're a cute squirrel, which is great; however, you need to collect food for the winter along with the rest of the squirrels, and you're all competing for the same food strewn across the forest floor. Scramble to get the best stuff!
Open both packs and remove all cards without _Magic_ card backs. *Select one art card* and shuffle it in with the rest of the cards, which represent the food. Deal the cards face up in a 5x5 grid. Randomly determine who goes first.
On your turn, choose a *color* (including colorless). Then move the art card either vertically or horizontally on the grid, skipping empty spaces and collecting each card in your path that matches your chosen color. (Reminder: Lands are colorless.) The art card can move in only one direction per turn, and