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(this item is a token or art card and not a playable Magic card)
4 players | 2 packs | 45 minutes | d6
Use the cards in a booster to inspire your own one-shot adventure!
Pick one player to be the *Dungeon Master* (DM). The DM opens a booster and selects a hand of 6 non-land _Magic_ cards to inspire the adventure. They then open a second booster and deal 4 non-land _Magic_ cards to each of the three other players. These cards represent *actions*. Discard all remaining cards.
*Actions:* Card color represents the *type* of action, and mana value represents its *power*.
• White = Charisma (coercion, leadership, etc.)
• Blue = Intelligence (investigation, knowledge, arcane lore, etc.)
• Black = Strength (melee attacks, climbing, moving large objects, etc.)
• Red = Dexterity (ranged attacks, dodging, sleight of hand, etc.)
• Green = Wisdom (common sense, intuition, empathy, etc.)
• Colorless = Constitution (running, swimming, resisting disease, etc.)
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