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(this item is a token or art card and not a playable Magic card)
2+ players | 1+ packs | 5 minutes | d20
As you enter the room, the terrible dragon opens its eyes and lets out a roar. Everybody... roll for initiative! Roll a d20 and modify the result with some _Magic_ cards to get the highest initiative!
Open a booster and remove all cards without _Magic_ card backs. Use an additional booster for groups of five players or more. Shuffle, then deal the same number of cards to each player. If there are extra cards after dealing, set them aside. Each player then rolls a d20 to determine their *initiative*. In case of a tie, the tied players roll again. The player with the lowest starting initiative goes first.
On each player's turn, they play a card to modify a player's initiative (see reverse side for card effects). Cards with effects that will be counted at the end of the game should be placed in front of the target player. All other cards go into the discard pile.
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