Policy on Prohibited Cards with Racist Depictions

On June 10, 2020, Wizards of the Coast enacted a policy to fully ban a number of cards due to depictions of racism. These cards were banned from all formats, their images were removed from Gatherer, and one card had its Multiverse ID changed.

Mana Pool is committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive space for all players and collectors. We have adopted a firm policy that prohibits the buying or selling of these cards on Mana Pool. We believe that no one should profit from the circulation of cards that depict harmful or offensive themes, as it goes against the spirit of the game and the community it fosters.

While we do not support the circulation of these cards, we believe that erasing them from the history of Magic prevents fully reckoning with the game's storied past. As such, we have chosen to maintain information about them in our databases and display a content warning when viewing pages related to these cards. The decision to not erase them entirely from historical records reflects our belief that acknowledging past mistakes is crucial to growth and learning. By preserving this history, we encourage open conversations about inclusivity and the importance of mindful representation in the game.